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Accounting office

The maintenance of personnel and payroll records plays an important role in ensuring the proper operation of a company that employs workers and in maintaining compliance with applicable labor and social benefit regulations.
Our human resources and payroll department offers a wide range of services related to the employment of employees, from the preparation of contracts and maintenance of personnel files, to the preparation of payrolls and the settlement of Social Security (ZUS) contributions and taxes.
We offer:
  • Maintenance of employee personnel files.
  • Notification and de-registration of employees from Social Security.
  • Records of civil law contracts.
  • Preparation of payroll.
  • Preparing and sending settlement documents to Social Security and the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities (PEFRON).
  • Handling of Employee Capital Plans (ECPs).
  • Estonian CIT Service.
  • Sick pay accrual and leave handling.